Water Safety
Paddling and Water Safety
We have wide range of water sports and activities that take place in open and natural waters
This natural and beautiful environment is one of the main attractions of our activities but as with any open water it is important to observe some simple rules to remain safe and healthy
Respect the Water
Our Instructors will go through water safety with you on every session but please spend some time following these links on water safety
Please follow this link for details on water safety
https://westmerciasar.org.uk/homeanddry/free-water-safety-online-course/ (30mins to complete)
https://youtu.be/m_ZLyzByj98 (9min30
https://youtu.be/-TlSMD1iEwU (2mins40)
Safety & circumstances beyond our control
Postponement by us due to bad weather
As your safety is our first concern, followed by your enjoyment of your chosen activity, in weather conditions, which may in our view make the session dangerous or unsafe, the activity may be re-scheduled, a location change or postponed by us. In the event of this happening you would be given as much notice as practically possible. In these circumstances we will offer you alternative dates. On some occasions group events may need to be postponed due to bad weather.
In these circumstances we will offer you alternative dates or be credited for the session
As with other activity-based experiences, water sports activities contain an element of risk. It must be understood that your participation in these activities is your decision and at your risk. The session instructors have primary responsibility for the safety of the team, guests and equipment at all times and his/her decision is final. If any member of your party commits an illegal or potentially dangerous acts, persistently disregards the instructions of the session instructor, or is disruptive or exhibits difficult behaviour, the session instructor reserves the right to terminate such persons’ participation in the session or event with no responsibility to them. In such an event there will be no right to any refund and we reserve the right to make a claim for costs and losses incurred.
Good Health for Water Users
The water facilities we use are supplied from a variety of sources including surface streams and the River Trent. Colwick Park, Highfields Boating Lake and the canal systems. The waters have fluctuating levels of bacteria and are similar to those found in UK coastal sea bathing waters
This page details potential risk to health that exists in any open water but please remember the vast majority of water users at the site have no problem at all and by remaining mindful and following the tips below the risks are further decreased.
Whilst enjoying your water sports always:
Follow all onsite safety instructions and wear all safety equipment provided
Avoid undue immersion in natural waters
Avoid swallowing the water
Cover minor scratches or cuts with a water proof plaster
What kind of illness may occur?
The vast majority of people have no ill effects at all. The most common illness found is a mild Tummy Upset. On very rare occasions this can lead to diarrhoea and vomiting. Should this occur you are advised to consult a doctor. Flu-like symptoms and mild respiratory symptoms may also occur, as may eye and ear symptoms. These generally resolve themselves rapidly without treatment. More Serious Infections Whilst it is extremely rare to contract the following infections, there is a risk in any open water so it is important to be informed and follow the preventative measures shown above.
Hepatitis A (Infectious Hepatitis)
Hepatitis A is a virus infection of the liver which can vary from mild or non-apparent illness to, rarely, a severe disabling disease lasting several months. The infection is caused by swallowing food or water contaminated with the virus which is present in faeces of infected patients and in waters contaminated with sewage. Infection may also be caused by swallowing water during sports. The incubation period varies from 2 to 6 weeks after swallowing the virus. The onset illness is abrupt, with loss of appetite, fever, nausea and abdominal discomfort, followed within a few days by jaundice. If you become ill at any time with these symptoms, call your doctor and tell them you have participated in water sports activities.
Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease)
Human infection usually comes from organisms shed in the urine of infected animals. Infections can range from a mild flu-like illness to a serious illness requiring hospital treatment and sometimes leading to kidney or liver failure. When jaundice occurs (from liver failure) the illness, known as Weil’s disease, can be fatal and is a notifiable illness, but it is fortunately a very rare occurance. How is the disease caught? The infection which causes Weil’s disease is commonly carried by rats and excreted in rat urine, which contaminates water and wet river banks. The bacteria do not survive in dry conditions. The likelihood of becoming infected is less in swift moving streams and rivers than stagnant or slow moving waterways, particularly in high water conditions. The infection can enter the body through skin abrasions or through eyes, nose and mouth. It can enter the bloodstream more rapidly through minor cuts in skin, especially on the feet.
Links to further information
What should I do if I become ill?
If you fall ill with symptoms after water sports, particularly from 3-19 days following, then see your doctor immediately. Common symptoms are sudden onset of fever, intense headache, and severe pains in calf and back muscles, red eyes and prostration. If you have any illness after water sports go straight to your GP and tell them that you about your participation and draw their attention to the possibility of Hepatitis or Weil’s disease.
Make your doctor aware of all of this information and:
The Lepto Spirosis Reference Unit
Public Health
County Hospital
Hereford HR1 2ER
Please also make us aware of any illness by texting us on 07581555909