The Big Clean UP
Join our tribe of superheros out on the water as we give our local environment and community some TeamSUP love
Our mission is to litter pick and clean up the waterways, footpaths, lakes and parks of Nottinghamshire. We will stop the litter, plastic, rubbish from entering the oceans. We will protect our local wildlife and environment.
Would you like to learn to paddle board?
Help clean up your local environment?
Spend time in the great outdoors doing something amazing?
Meet awesome people out on the water?
The waterways of Nottinghamshire and beyond are great places for activity, relaxation and getting in touch with nature.
However, in places we have seen so much by litter. This is harmful to our wildlife and environment close to home and is part of a worldwide problem. Much of the litter ends up in the open ocean, it is ingested by fish and marine mammals and enters the food chain. 80% of marine debris comes from inland sources – including our canals and rivers
Suitable for new, beginner and experienced paddlers. This is a free event but booking is essential.
Is this for me?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Suitable for all abilities. Please also contact us if you wish to join in as a ‘land picker’ from the tow path.
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